My belief is that if you envision a safe, clean, and loving community you work hard towards that goal and you protect what you currently have. You go out and seek opportunities to join like-minded people who feel the same way you do. You volunteer and provide community service because you realize that with a small group of like-minded people, you accomplish great things that you couldn’t otherwise do by yourself, and you develop great relationships and friendships through your volunteer work.

Along the way you ask, if not me, then who? If not now, then when?

Community service is servant leadership. I believe that if you are passionate, and capable – you seek out opportunities to apply your skill sets for the betterment of your community. Whether it’s power-washing the grounds at The Children’s Justice Center, supporting and raising funds for the annual Hilo Relay for Life event, or becoming a Police or Fire Commissioner, you invest your time in supporting efforts you feel are impactful and important to your community. 

Our collective purpose in living and residing in Hilo is to protect and sustain our unique living style. Every day you look for opportunities to be kind to others, volunteer to sustain our outdoor parks, and show general appreciation for each other. Every day you look for opportunities to lift each other up.

Why am I so passionate about Hilo?

It’s because I notice the kindness of the people in our Community and I’ve lived in places where people werenʻt so nice or disregarded one another, and it’s a sad environment to be in a place where you feel you don’t matter.

I know I matter in my community because my community matters to me and I have a mutual relationship to put my energies into things I believe in. I like that Hilo and the Big Island have a unique brand of pidgin that we speak, that we support the businesses that are supportive of our community, and that we enthusiastically throw shakas to others for doing kind things.